There is still time to complete your registration Obamacare

4:47 PM
There is still time to complete your registration Obamacare -

Good news for health insurance seekers who have struggled to meet the deadline Obamacare - You can get additional time to register!


the federal government announced a grace period for Americans who have had difficulty in completing their registration by the deadline of 31 March, so if you experienced problems technical or long waiting periods that prevented you from buying Obamacare, you'll probably get a little leeway to supplement your health insurance registration.

All you have to do is attest that you have attempted to register before midnight ET on March 31 and see if you get more time to sign up for a medical health insurance plan majeure. People who enroll in a major medical health plan during the grace period will not face the penalty tax.

If this situation applies to you, you have a short time to complete your application (plan only a few days). But do not delay! Missing this opportunity means you probably will not get the opportunity to ask for tax subsidies and you miss the opportunity to buy a major medical plan that covers pre-existing conditions and preventive care.

If you still need a health plan, GoHealth can guide you through the process and connect with brand, affordable coverage today.

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