Obamacare vs. Romneycare

1:07 PM
Obamacare vs. Romneycare -

usamap The theme of the reform of health care has taken center stage as the presidential election approaches more more. of ObamaCare 'The terms and "RomneyCare" were thrown in all media for some time. GoHealth has created a fresh, new infographic that compares and contrasts the components of the two plans.

Adopted in 2010, the health reform plan of President Obama, the Affordable Care Act Protecting Patients and closely resembles the plan of Governor Romney for the state of Massachusetts, which was adopted in 06.
Although the similarities between the two planes are undeniable, the main differences are discussed in details:
• ObamaCare requires companies with more than 50 full-time employees to provide health insurance coverage while RomneyCare sets a minimum of 11 full-time employees.
• one of the most talked ObamaCare of the objectives is the provision to close the Medicare donut hole. Since Medicare is a federal and not state-run program, there is obviously no mention of the donut hole in RomneyCare.
• ObamaCare provides Medicaid to Americans earning less than 133 percent of the federal poverty level, while RomneyCare sets the ceiling to 150 percent receive free health insurance.
• ObamaCare requires health insurers to spend 80 to 85 percent of premiums on medical care, while RomneyCare has no requirements for premium expenditures.

Take a look at the full infographic below. Just click on the image to enlarge.

Obamacare vs Romneycare Designed by GoHealthInsurance.com

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