Illinois One Step Closer to legalizing gay marriage

8:02 PM
Illinois One Step Closer to legalizing gay marriage -

Hope everyone had a warm and fuzzy Valentine day unless you are not into that sort of thing. In this case, perhaps a relaxing night with some Ben & Jerry or sappy movies. In other news related love, the Illinois Senate approved a bill Thursday, February 14 to legalize gay marriage.

The bill passed by a margin of almost shocking 34-21 and comes two years after the civil union legislation was passed in the state. Illinois This takes a little more to allow to marry same-sex couples, and is part of a wider victory across the country for gay rights activists.

state representative and defender Greg Harris said Bill, "It was not too long ago that people do not think they would see this day. Many parents said they did not believe that their children see this day. "

Currently, even in states where gay marriage is legal, there are still many obstacles to obtaining insurance benefits -health. According to a representative of the Ohio Department of Insurance, about a third of employers with more than five hundred employees offer benefits domestic partners, and this number has increased. The numbers are not as common for small-sized companies, however.

self-insured employers are not regulated by the states, but have the ability to offer domestic partner insurance benefits if they choose, regardless of the position of the State on gay marriage. Before eligibility for insurance benefits, same-sex couples should have the documentation of their relationship in the form of leases signed jointly, the bank statements or other legal documents.

According to a Williams Institute study, unmarried partners are two to three times more likely to be uninsured than married people. Gay couples have to pay taxes to the federal state and sometimes on health care benefits because the IRS considers the value of the provision of a domestic partner as income. Therefore, the FSA or HSA pre-tax dollars that employee can not be used to cover the benefits of a domestic partner.

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