Moving? Here is your assurance checklist

5:36 PM
Moving? Here is your assurance checklist - disease

Most people understand the constraints that can potentially support a great move :. Finding a good school district for your children, adapting to a new neighborhood, settle into a new routine, and of course the packaging of your whole life in a few boxes. Even with all these changes, it is important to your health insurance coverage at the top of your list. moving

The transition to a new state or often in the same condition is considered a qualifying life event, which means that you might be able to join a new health plan outside the Open Enrollment. Other qualifying life events include having a baby, getting married and divorced.

If you are also starting a new job, make sure you talk to the human resources department to learn about your new health insurance policy before moving. Do not be afraid to ask questions, and make sure that your urgent costs - such as medications -. Are covered by any policy change

Even if you do not leave your current company, your health insurance options and the cost of your health care could still change. To see if there are changes in Group Policy, or if your health insurance costs vary from city to city. Plan ahead and instruct you on what to expect after your big move.

Planning a move in the near future? Or have you had another qualifying event in life? visit today or call 888-322-7557 to speak with a licensed agent about your options before taking that next step.

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