Compare and contrast: Health Insurance Options for students

9:16 PM
Compare and contrast: Health Insurance Options for students -

gradhat So you're under 26 and in school full time. This means that you can join or stay on health insurance policy of your parent, opt for a university level, or find your own plan of individual health. Consider these advantages and disadvantages.

Health Plan College Student / University


  • on average, the plans of the campus can cost much less than an individual policy or be added as a dependent in terms of a parent. Premiums for health insurance plan funded by the university can be as low as $ 30 per year, although the average is about $ 850 per year.
  • fewer bills to manage. In many schools, the cost of your academic plan can be included in your tuition.
  • Very few choices on coverage and benefits to suit specific needs.
  • College Plans act more like temporary insurance that individual health insurance and can not cover all benefits or health care providers.
  • Typically smaller network of health care providers
  • coverage ends after graduation, forcing you to find coverage elsewhere before landing a job.


  • Very few choices on coverage and benefits to suit specific needs.
  • College Plans act more like temporary insurance that individual health insurance and can not cover all benefits or health care providers.
  • Typically smaller network of health care providers
  • coverage ends after graduation, forcing you to find coverage elsewhere before landing a job.

Health Plan is a relative


  • Sometimes it is more affordable to add a dependent to an existing health plan rather than buying a new one.
  • With the plan of a parent, you probably already have a general idea of ​​the benefits and network of doctors available if your parents were put on the same level for some time.


  • You can see that in terms of your parent does not cover non-network providers, which may be necessary if your school is far from home.
  • You can not have access to health clinics to college if they are not included in your parent's plan network.
  • You might have plane assembly problems of a parent. For example, their plan could be "grandfathered", meaning that he can not afford to be added as a dependent.
  • If you can join, your parents will have to pay extra to add a dependent to their current plan. Some employers have started to spend much of the cost of dependent policies on employees.

Individual Health Insurance


  • With the Plan a parent, you probably already have a general idea of ​​the benefits and network of doctors available if your parents were put on the same level for some time.
  • You can see that in terms of your parent does not cover non-network providers, which may be necessary if your school is far from home.
  • total flexibility to choose a custom cover for your health and budget needs.
  • Your coverage will not end after graduation.
  • many colleges require students to purchase health insurance. This would eliminate the cost of paying for health insurance mandatory university students.


  • If you pre -existing circumstances, you could be denied coverage or not related benefits this health condition.
  • Depending on your situation, it may be more affordable to stay in terms of rent per year or choose a university plan.

For our insurance disease survival guide students in its entirety, click on this link:

Student Health Insurance Survival Guide

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