The government reopened - What has changed

9:52 PM
The government reopened - What has changed -

Medicare cuts President Obama signed a bill early last Thursday after Senate representatives and House finally reached an agreement to end the government shutdown. After learning that the federal government has reopened many Americans left wondering what has changed. After 16 days of negotiations between the Democratic and Republican parties, the answer is not much, except for a small tweak.

The compromise

In the last days of the closure of the Government, the compromise was negotiated by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) And Minority Leader Mitch McConnell ( R-Ky.). Although no significant changes were made to the Act on the Affordable Care President, the new legislation approved by the House and the Senate includes a minor change to the health care law signed.

The changes to the ACA

Republicans got a slight verification tighter rules for income consumers using the new health insurance exchanges created by the Affordable Care Act . The government will now be required to verify the income of all persons who receive financial aid through grants for premiums and cost sharing to ensure that they are in fact eligible

Democrats are not opposed to this provision. citing it was already largely repeated the language in the law. Sometimes the exchange of federal health already binds to the IRS to verify the eligibility of income.

What's Next

The compromise also created a new budgetary period, requiring lawmakers to reach agreement on a long-term deficit reduction before December 13.

In brief remarks at the White House, President Obama said the development "With the stop behind us and the budget committees forming, we now have the opportunity to focus on a reasonable budget that is responsible, which is just, and that helps people working in the country. "

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