4 Mental Health Myths, Debunked

3:34 PM
4 Mental Health Myths, Debunked -

Lauren Mandel

Nearly one in 20 adults is living with a severe mental illness, such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Although the experience of each person is different, mental illness usually affects thinking, feeling, or mood of a person. Recovery is possible, especially with the various forms of treatment, support, and perhaps most importantly, understanding. MissedOpenEnrollment1

In the US, there has been a longstanding mental illness stigma. Mental illness is often difficult to see or understand; which leads some people to think that these diseases simply do not exist. In an effort to shed light on the struggles and realities of these people face, we have worked to debunk four common myths about mental illness

Myth .: mental illness is very rare

Done :. mental illness is far more common than you might think. In 2011, one adult in five Americans experienced a mental health problem, and 10 young adults experienced major depression period

myth .: most people with mental illness living in the streets or in psychiatric hospitals

Done :. members More than two-thirds of Americans with mental illness are functioning society. While they may need medication or brief periods of hospitalization, people with mental illness can be difficult to spot in a large room. For most people, they often appear quite normal

Myth :. It is easy for most people with mental illness to seek help and get better.

Fact: stigma surrounding mental illness often prevents people from seeking the help they need and deserve. This may further isolate people with mental illness and make their situation even more difficult

Myth: .. There is no access to care for people with mental illness

Fact: coverage now under the Law affordable care nobody can be denied or pay more to have a pre-existing condition, including mental illness. mental health services and behavior are considered as essential health benefits and are covered if you have a qualified health plan.

For more information on how to seek help for a mental illness, you can visit the National Alliance on Mental Illness.

And for more information on how to obtain health insurance, including coverage of mental illness, visit GoHealthInsurance.com.

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