Another Home Inventory App

5:37 PM
Another Home Inventory App -

Keeping a home inventory has always been a good idea for insurance purposes, but now the technology that makes it easier than ever.
If you are the owner of an iPad or iPhone, you may want to check the free App Know Your Stuff from the Insurance Information Institute (III). If you do not have one of these devices, there is also a version Web-based online on the website Know Your Stuff, a free tool to help you keep an updated list of your home inventory.
The application allows you to set up your business by piece, making lists of everything you have and you have a good replacement kit for loss or disaster. In addition, you can upload photos of your property, scanned or received evaluation forms, and generate several types of reports in case you need to file a claim. All this information is Web-based, very convenient to access from anywhere in the event you need to evacuate your home in a hurry. In this way, your home inventory is always secure and easily accessible when you need it most.
In addition to simplifying the process of filing a claim, keeping a home inventory will also help to ensure that you buy the right amount of insurance. III said: "Having an accurate list of your assets you can have a more productive conversation with your insurance agent or company representative when making decisions about homeowners or renters insurance"
. for comparison purposes, you can also check the implementation of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners Home Inventory. it is called Myhome and is available for both iPhone and Android devices. also, see another post previous on home inventory application.

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