Child safety: dangerous toys 09; purchase security consulting toys

2:58 PM
Child safety: dangerous toys 09; purchase security consulting toys -

Each holiday season, children's groups and consumer protection provide lists of most dangerous toys of the year, and tips on how to shop for safe toys. If you have kids on your shopping list, take a few minutes to review these precious books.
Unsafe Toy List 09 report on the safety Toy 09 USPIRG, Trouble In Toyland .
09 "10 Worst Toy" list WATCH (without global profit group against Toys causes damage
Recalls Toy Hazard The Product Safety Division of American consumers
There are three major dangers for toy safety. choking, noise and Toxins for children over 3 emphasis on noise and toxic. dangers for children under 3 also avoid the risk of choking on small toys, toy parts and balloons Here a practical guide to the dangers that you can call on your mobile phone while shopping Toy dangers. - you can report hazards that you encounter in your shopping trips
Other resources :. .
Trouble in Toyland (PDF) - 59 in 09 compared to PIRG pages on the safety of toys
Tips for toy safety (PDF) - printable brochure PIRG
toy safety shopping tips - Consumer Product safety Commission of the United States
safety of toys - Guidelines for the selection of toys of the National Network for child care

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