benefits of insurance coverage you may not know

6:01 PM
benefits of insurance coverage you may not know -

If you, Aore as many insurance consumers, when you get your annual homeowners, condo or police to renter insurance, AOS, simply file it away in a drawer and gift, AOT give it another thought. Many people just look at the fine print and are later surprised when a loss occurs that isn, AOT covered. The downside is that there may be benefits that are paid but that the lessee does not know. Insurance policies may offer advantages in coverage and benefits that go unused simply because the insured did not know the advantage. For example, some homeowners policies, AO cover spoiled food from a power outage, personal property stolen from your car, a camera stolen while on holiday, or even a damaged tombstone. It may pay to know your policies, aÌ Meg Green A.M. Best discussions about various unusual benefits that could be included in your insurance coverage.
coverage options can vary from one insurance company to the insurance company, so that when you discuss renewals with your agent, ask about the special benefits or benefits that may be relevant to you and family and ask questions to be sure you understand the extent of your coverage. And when you experience a loss, if you are not sure whether or not you, Aore covered, pick up the phone and talk to your agent. You need to document your loss so keep receipts. And like green notes, if you make too many claims, the cost of your premium may increase or you may even be canceled the next time you try to renew.

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