Is this your will conduct the dogs?

6:50 PM
Is this your will conduct the dogs? -

There are approximately 77.5 million pet dogs in the United States, and some of them drive their owners to distraction ... literally. In terms of distractions that interfere with driving, dogs are right up there with cell phones and texting. A recent survey on the habits of dog owners and driving conducted by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety and the company of pet products Kurgo, 80% of respondents said they took their pets on shopping, trips or vacations, but only 17% said they use any form of restraint. In fact, 21% admitted that they left their dog to sit on his lap.
The respondents admitted to other potentially troublesome behaviors such as tapping (55%), food (7%) or playing with their dog (5%) while driving. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety found that the search of the road for two seconds doubles your risk of being in an accident. In 08, there were 6,000 deaths from accidents caused by distracted drivers, according to the National Security Administration of the road.
In addition to being a potential risk for accidents, driving with unrestrained pets is also very dangerous for the animal.

"Restraining your pet when driving can not only help protect your pet, but you and other passengers in your vehicle as well," cautioned Jennifer Huebner-Davidson, AAA national, responsible for road safety programs. "An unrestrained dog 10 pounds in a crash at 50 mph will exert about 500 pounds of pressure, while an unrestrained dog of 80 pounds in a crash at only 30 mph will exert 2,400 pounds of pressure. Imagine the devastation that can cause your pet and anyone in the vehicle in its path. "

on CBS News Early Show , veterinarian Dr. Debbye Turner Bell shared some easy ways drivers with pets can prevent some of these dangers. You can read his restraint safety tips for dog or see the video below.

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