
2:46 PM
Chances -

Like the rest of the world, we were pretty riveted YouTube videos and reports of the meteorite that crashed in Russia last week. It is not a terribly rare event - space rocks flying around wildly and frequently hit the ground, but most often in remote locations. But it is quite the rarity to have an event that has been so widely witnessed and shared.
Insurance is a company that is all about odds, so we were delighted to find the article The odds of Death by Asteroid? Lower Than Plane Crash, Higher Than lightning. Author Adam Mann says:

While raining rocks from space are scary and there is no way to completely eliminate their threat is they are very sporadic. Your chances of being killed by a meteorite is about 1 in 250,000. You are much more likely to die in an earthquake, tornado, flood, plane crash or car accident (but less likely to be killed by lightning). Most asteroids burn up in the atmosphere long before they hit the ground and the few that probably will hit the open ocean or a remote part of the Earth rather than your head.

The article includes a great video clip and a picture of the size of asteroids. the frequency and potential damage. And if you want an idea of ​​what it's like to have a close encounter, National Geographic offers The True Story of Meteorite only known victim of History: A woman named Ann Hodges was hit by a meteorite in her Alabama home in 1954 and lived to tell the tale.
Would cover damage insurance meteorite property? Insurance Journal has the topic:

Although such an event is relatively rare, AIR noted that "in many countries with developed insurance markets, full comprehensive insurance policy will generally cover all risks that are not specifically excluded, which means that the meteorite damage is usually covered. the residential part of the policy owner is very wide and if the damage caused by the fall of objects not in the exclusions, it is usually covered. "[IJ Ed. note: The Russian government has given a preliminary damage estimate of one million rubles [app. $32.2 million].

Do not lose too much sleep over stirikes meteorites - but you can check the life insurance policy just to be sure
Here are some (fun) in past messages also deal with odds
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Do not be a victim of lightning!
(Image found on MetaFilter)

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