insurance coverage of owners: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

5:49 PM
insurance coverage of owners: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) -

If a tree falls and damages my roof during a storm, am I covered? Do I have enough insurance to rebuild my home if it is destroyed in a fire? ? Does my policy protect me if my neighbor falls my front stairs
Most people do not have many questions about their insurance coverage until a problem occurs - and then we get Questions. As insurers, we have all heard - and it does not bother us to answer them, that's what we're here. But some consumer issues are very common - we hear time and time again. For answers to questions above, as well as other common coverage issues, see the brochure of the FCIC, Am I covered, which was developed by the Insurance Information Institute. It is a good primer on home insurance, affecting some of the most frequently asked questions. It also explains what is and is not covered in a standard homeowners policy, highlights the gaps in coverage that might exist, and offers suggestions for what to do to increase coverage.
We are always happy to answer your questions, but for people who like to snoop around and do their own research on the Web, you can not do better than the consumption of the Insurance Information Institute resources for owners and renters insurance.

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