Pool and spa safety issues and insurance

10:05 AM
Pool and spa safety issues and insurance -

If you're one of the more than 8 million households who are lucky enough to have a private pool on your property, security responsibility comes with the privilege. Each year, 280 children aged under 5 drown each year in swimming pools across the country. For children aged one to fourteen, drowning is the second most common cause of accidental death. Even if you do have children, be aware that nearly a third of all children in the pool deaths occur in pools where the owners have no children
The Pool Safety Council offers these tips for keep children safe.

  • Nothing is more important to the safety of a swimming child than the eyes of watchful parents.
  • Keep a landline near the pool, so if there is an emergency you can call 911 and the operator will be able to instantly trace the call and send help .
  • Surround your pool with a four-sided fence and a door that locks.
  • Never leave children unattended in or near the pool. Drowning only takes a few seconds.
  • Even when there is a group of adults present, make sure that one is dedicated to keep an eye on the kids in the pool or nearby. Give someone the responsibility makes them much more likely Potential problems are immediately noticed.
  • Make sure your pool is equipped with approved safety drain covers and an anti-jamming device to prevent drain entrapment, the often fatal tragedy of a swimmer becoming trapped by the suction drain of the swimming pool. Public pools are required to adopt anti-trapping action by law, but the PSC encourages private pool owners to follow suit.
  • Take a CPR course for potential drowning victims should not wait until the paramedics arrive.
  • When not in use, keep hot tubs covered and locked.

This is the first summer that the Law on Baker Pool and Spa Safety Virginia Graeme is in place since the enactment of the law in December. This law is designed to prevent the tragic and hidden hazard of drain entrapments and eviscerations of in pools and spas. Between 1999 and 08, there were 83 incidents of trapping children reported to the CPSC, eleven reports of fatalities, one of them being the one who took the life of 7 years old Virginia Graeme Baker in 02. under the law, all public pools and spas must comply with federal standards, which is great - but keep in mind that the accident that claimed the life of Virginia arrived in a private home. If you own a private pool, you may want to voluntarily comply with these standards, too - this news article provides convincing evidence to explain why
Additional resources
Swimming pool -. Spa safety and drowning prevention
Safety Act Spa Virginia Graeme Baker Pool
National Alliance for drowning prevention

Check your insurance coverage
In addition to talking all possible security measures, pool owners should also ensure that they are adequately covered against potential risks. If you have a pool or hot tub, or consider adding either, make sure you talk to your agent to make sure you have adequate coverage. Here are some tips from the Insurance Information Institute of the swimming pool coverage:

Let your insurance company know that you are a ool because it will increase your liability risk . Pools are considered an "attractive nuisance" and it may be advisable to purchase additional liability insurance. Most homeowners policies include a minimum of $ 100,000 of liability protection. Pool owners, however, may wish to consider increasing the amount to $ 300,000 or $ 500,000.
You can also talk to your agent or company representative about purchasing a policy framework for accountability. For an additional premium of about $ 0 to $ 300 per year, you can get $ 1 million of liability protection beyond what you have on your home. This would also provide added liability protection when driving.
If the pool itself is expensive, you should also have adequate insurance protection to replace if it is destroyed by a storm or other disaster.

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