Have a good year plan for the safe celebration

6:38 PM
Have a good year plan for the safe celebration -

Have fun Eve of the New Year, but beware! It is a good idea to plan ahead for your safety - and that of your friends and family
In general, you should consume one drink or less per hour .. Effects vary depending on body weight chemistry of a person. In addition, alcohol has a cumulative effect, so how many drinks you consume more how many hours has an effect. In general, your body can metabolize about one drink per hour. And be careful on how you define "a drink" - which equals 12 ounces of beer, a 4-ounce glass of wine or one shot (one ounce) of alcohol 80 proof

The Blood alcohol. Police notebook calculator will estimate your level of value and tell you if you are "legal". the calculator works and an estimate of your "Account of alcohol in the blood" (BAC) or alcohol ratio in the blood in your system. Enter the type of drink, how many drinks you have consumed / plan to consume , weight, and the amount of time you have been / will drink. This will produce an estimated BAC, and will tell you if you are impaired and the risk of being arrested if you are stopped by the police.

the site also includes handy reference cards for men and women, and graphics describing the type of disability that people experience at different BAC levels. There is also a list of myths and common suggestions for how to get the car keys away from a person intoxicated

If you are in the New Year's Eve, have a head for your security strategy: .

  • plan for a designated driver.
  • plan on sleeping.
  • Search Tipsy Taxi service in your area. Many communities sponsor a free taxi service that can be called for a return home. You can call a local police department to see if there operating in your community.
  • Drink soft drinks.
  • Having one or two drinks in the early evening and switch to soft drinks for several hours before driving home.

If you are planning a party , take your responsibilities seriously. You will never forgive yourself if a client has been injured or killed - or killed another driver - after leaving your home. Also, you might have a criminal or civil liability in case of accidents resulting from the poisoning that took place in your home. Here is a good part responsible Host Tip Sheet (PDF) to help you plan a safe holiday

And a final note of caution :.
People can and do die from alcohol poisoning when they consume more alcohol than their body can handle safely in a short time. Unfortunately, many young people die from alcohol poisoning each year because of ignorance of the facts of excessive alcohol consumption. Call 9-1-1 if you see someone behavior that could indicate alcohol poisoning, as evidenced by the following symptoms with:

  • cold, clammy, pale or bluish skin
  • unconscious or unable to be awakened
  • slow or irregular breathing
  • vomiting repeatedly or uncontrollably
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