the most dangerous holiday 2015 edition toys

2:22 PM
the most dangerous holiday 2015 edition toys -

kids-at-christmas If children are on your list of holiday shopping, toy safety should be the number one rule. When the store Santa, he consults the W.A.T.C.H. list of "10 Worst Toys" for 2015 holiday season. This 43rd annual report is issued by World against Toys Causing Harm, Inc. (WATCH). This year, they have a special master alert to be particularly attentive to the dangers associated with buying of potentially hazardous toys. The link above is a slideshow you can get a PDF of dangerous toys with pictures and information to explain why they are classified as dangerous.

"What shopping in the store by store or on their website, awareness of the dangers of hidden classic toys can prevent injuries. Shockingly, dangers of classic toys such as small parts, strings, projectiles, toxic substances, rigid materials, and warnings and inaccurate labels resurface each year in newly designed toys. Over the last twelve months, there have been at least sixteen (16) toy recalls representing over three million (3,000,000) units toys with safety defects accepted in the United States and Canada proving inadequate existing standards. In 2013, there were more than 250,000 toy-related injuries and 50 children died in incidents related to toys between 2010 and 2013. Although even injury to a child is too many, especially when the injury is preventable, recent statistics point out that dangerous toys continue to pose a threat to the year. The ten (10) toy recalls due to choking and / or risk of ingestion, issued by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) over the previous twelve months, highlight the continuing problem of small and unmanageable parts to reach children. "

The US Public Interest Research Group also publishes a report on the dangers to children in their 2015 Trouble in Toyland report, which lists the specific toys, and general problems and dangers parents should be alert to. See the press release for a summary.

More toys resources and the safety of children

  • security toys
  • CPSC on toys
  • safety first when buying toys
  • Two common household items that are dangerous for your children
  • consumer groups issuing alerts about dangerous toys (2014)
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