Insurance Fraud Hall of Shame 2010

3:47 PM
Insurance Fraud Hall of Shame 2010 -

A father who drowned his 3-year-old daughter in her backyard pool to collect his life insurance, an owner who put the fatal fire at one of his tenants while trying to cash in on property insurance, and a doctor who was running in the fortune of a "pill mill" illegal which resulted in 68 fatal overdoses ... these and a handful of other killers, liars and cheaters make up the gallery of the scammer is. lobby of fraud in 2010 insurance Shame
Coalition against insurance fraud compiles the lists annually, highlighting some examples of the worst and most egregious of fraud last year - but they are only the tip of an amount estimated at $ 80 billion dollar iceberg. Sometimes fraudsters acting alone. Other times, the fraud is perpetrated by organized crime rings.
consumer attitudes to insurance fraud can be very frustrating. Research by the Coalition against Insurance Fraud revealed, "Two out of five Americans want little or no punishment for insurance cheats; the insurance industry they blame for its fraud problems because they believe insurers are unfair. "Many of those who tolerate insurance fraud wrongheadedly consider as a battle between an ordinary man David vs Goliath great company. But the truth is quite different ... it is a battle between the criminals and you. After all, they are not insurance companies who take the shot: it is a crime you pay for - money from your pocket fraud and theft are business expenses that get factored into the costs. honest people pay for insurance.
the idea that insurance fraud is the victim is a common myth. in addition to adding the cost of insurance for each consumer honest and honest business, thousands suffer more serious consequences: Every year, people are cheated of life savings by illegal investment schemes; health is in danger when people are cheated by bogus health policies; injured employees and their families suffer when companies fail to make a mandatory legal cover, and innocent people are killed and maimed in the arson and organized fraud programs of automobile accidents. See videos of joint criminal fraud schemes.
If you were a fraud victim or the suspect insurance fraud or insurance, here are some ways to act.

  • Report to your state insurance agency. Many states have specific insurance fraud office
  • file an online complaint with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners.
  • notify the insurer - fraud the insurance company hotlines
  • Call the National Insurance Crime Bureau Hotline at 1-800-TEL-NICB (1-800-835-6422 ). Cell phone users can also send the keyword "FRAUD" and their tip to TIP411 (847411). Or send an email. Tips can be anonymous
  • Check if an insurer or agent is legitimate and licensed in your state :. State insurance departments.
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