It is never too late to winter proof your home

8:40 PM
It is never too late to winter proof your home -

Insurers are still counting the losses caused by the storms of Halloween storm that has been called the freakiest ever. It is believed that when the final price comes, losses will fall between $ 1 and $ 3 billion.
If you remain free from this storm, then you're one of the lucky ones, but do not count on your luck now in the future. Winter storms cause over a billion dollars in damage each year and are the third leading cause of catastrophe losses. Farmer's Almanac predicted about New England weather that: "... Next winter will be the equivalent of a cold slap in the face, as we expect much colder than normal temperatures."
this should serve as a reminder that it is important to take precautions to avoid unnecessary damage to your home. The Insurance Information Institute has published a list of tips to Winter-Proof Your House. We have reprinted a summary of the preventive measures recommended here:
outside of your home

  • Clean gutters
  • Install gutter guards
  • trim trees and remove dead branches
  • stages of repair and handrails
  • seal cracks in holes in walls and foundations from the outside.

Inside Your Home

  • Keep the house warm.
  • Add extra insulation to attics, basements and crawl spaces.
  • You kept the heating system.
  • Check hoses.
  • Install an emergency pressure release valve in your plumbing system.
  • Make sure that smoke and fire working properly.
  • Consider installing a carbon monoxide detector.
  • Learn how to shut off the water and know where your pipes are located.
  • Hire a licensed contractor to look for structural damage.

Although these tips are useful the most important thing is to review your insurance coverage to make sure you are adequately covered. Remember, insurance against floods are not included in standard or renters insurance policy owners. Do not wait to know your coverage limits until after something happens - it can do nasty surprises - talk to your insurance agent today

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