Cars injure 841,000 people a year - without crashing

2:09 PM
Cars injure 841,000 people a year - without crashing -

A new study Not-in-Traffic Surveillance illuminates on the number and types of injuries that occur as a result of the accident linked not accidents, statistics who had not been followed. Each year, the non-traffic accidents related to automobiles are estimated to cause 1,747 deaths and 841,000 wounded and, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, who led the study.
Here are some of the findings of the study, as reported by Consumer Reports Cars Blog

  • More than half of the accident no deaths in the study had place when a vehicle fell on a person who was or poisoning carbon monoxide involuntary
  • Approximately 20 percent of non-crash injuries involved snapping fingers or other extremities in a door car or trunk, or resulted from overwork when loading or unloading of a vehicle or push a disabled vehicle
  • in all types of tragedies, about a third of those injured and about half of killed were not inside the vehicle at the time
  • Other common dangers included vehicle fires, antifreeze and battery acid burns, and the fall of a vehicle
  • has important 221 deaths and 14,000 injuries resulted in pedestrians being supported by a vehicle

Backovers killed nearly 100 children and injured 2,000 in 07
about twice a week children are killed by being crushed by a vehicle that is being backed up. rather tragic, often occurs in the driveway of the house with a parent or a parent driving the car. In 07, nearly 100 children were killed and 2,000 injured when they were backed up on cars. In fact, one of the main reasons why the new mandate to track injuries and deaths not related to traffic stems from a 08 law requiring the tracking of data for incidents in which children are backed up, strangled by power windows or killed from being left in hot vehicles
A child-rights organization called kids and cars said such accidents are predictable and preventable. The following video highlights the problem and shows Consumer Report studies of blind zones, which vary vehicle, from about 12 feet for a sedan to as much as 30 feet for a pickup truck.

For more information on blind back-up areas, see the danger of blind spots by Consumer Reports.

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