Ten dog breeds that could cause problems with your home insurance

3:23 PM
Ten dog breeds that could cause problems with your home insurance -

angry dog with bared teeth People love their animals for discussions on dangerous dogs can be controversial - but when it comes to insurance, it is a costly problem. In 2014, dog bites and other dog-related injuries accounted for over a third of all homeowners insurance paid in dollars responsibility - a total of more than $ 530 million, according to the Insurance Information Institute. The number of dog bite claims are down - they fell by 4.7% in 2014 - but the average cost per dog bite claim is climbing. In 2014, it increased 15 percent to $ 32.072 - compared to $ 27,862 in 2013.

Some insurance companies will limit the availability of insurance homeowners based on the breed of dog or the dog story PropertyCasualty360 has an article on. 10 dog breeds most often blacklisted by home insurance carriers. They say

"The breed of dog you own could make it harder to get homeowners insurance Insurers are hesitant to provide coverage to owners who own races and. mixtures believe that insurers are more likely to bite and cause injury. According DogsBite.org, more than 700 cities in the United States have adopted specific laws to race since the mid-1980s, following the rise in popularity of pit bulls in the general population. "

Is it legal for an insurance company to deny coverage or other discrimination on the breed of dog? Yes, and why MSPCA:

"The law does not prohibit insurance companies against discrimination based on race. While the city and town ordinances specific breed have been challenged on constitutional grounds, such as due process and equal protection, the insurance companies because they are not part of the government are not subject to these constitutional restrictions. "

Many insurance companies do not cover a race ban. The MSPCA cites several national insurers will instead" ... the work case by case, taking account the behavior of the individual dog and history, and may require a meet and greet with the dog and / or a certificate of good canine citizen. "

If you have a dog or thinking of getting a dog talk to your insurance agent about insurance considerations.

Here are some other dogs and insurance resources that could be useful

  • insurance information Institute: dog bite liability
  • do not let the dogs take a bite of your insurance: Tips for dog bite prevention
  • the insurance and dog: Tips for dog owners looking owner / renter of coverage for their dog (s)
  • dog Bite Laws by State responsibility for all 50 states and DC

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