What you need to know about Zika virus

7:15 PM
What you need to know about Zika virus -

Zika virus was much in the news as a public health problem, but unless you were traveling abroad, he there is a good chance you don 't pay too much attention. But now that some cases "house" have been identified recently in Miami, many people are wondering if they should be concerned.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) tracks the number of cases Zika in the US In August 3, they reported 6 cases were locally transmitted cases and another trip 1800+ associates in the US Some Miami reports show cases as high as 14, but all cases appear to be confined to a very narrow geographical area. The case prompted the CDC to issue a notice for pregnant women to travel to Florida:

Because the virus can have devastating consequences for a fetus, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention urged pregnant women to avoid traveling in the region, and for pregnant women who live and work there to make every effort to avoid mosquito bites and get tested for possible exposure during each prenatal visit. He also advised women to use protection during sex, because the virus can be transmitted sexually.

In addition, the CDC recommends that all pregnant women should be asked about travel in infested areas Zika during routine antenatal visits. All pregnant women who have traveled to Zika regions - including the area of ​​Florida, June 15 or after - are encouraged to talk with their health care provider and get tested for Zika

This page CDC has information on. all you need to know about Zika virus - including useful infographics below. . Here are some useful links.

  • Zika CDC Travel Information
  • CDC Travelers Information on Twitter and Facebook
  • World Health Organization on Zika
  • Zika is Florida. Here are 9 made to calm down
  • CDC director: Possible Zika sporadic cases for months, perhaps years, Florida


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