Americans Less Apathetic about the ACA 2014

12:06 PM
Americans Less Apathetic about the ACA 2014 -

Since it was put into effect, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) been a source of controversy among many Americans. However, according to Gallup polls, the majority of Americans believe that the law has had no effect on them. Since early 2014, more Americans are reporting that the law them-- influenced either positively or negatively. Here are the results of the latest Gallup Poll on Americans perception of how the ACA has influenced.

The context of the survey

The Gallup poll results are based on telephone interviews with 1,014 adults (18 years and older) performed 1 October 2014 to October 2, 2014. The margin of error is + or - 4 percentage points. The interviews were conducted in English and Spanish on landlines and cell phones.

report the perceived impact of the ACA

The proportion of Americans who report that the ACA had no effect on them dropped from 70 percent to 54 percent since 2012. However, more Americans that the law, which she has been injured (27 percent), as they helped (16 percent) ACA1

chart :. Gallup

Overall Americans are both positive and negative about how the health care reform law themselves and their families affected:

  • In 2014, the percentage of Americans who reported that the law has helped them increase by ten percent to 16 percent

  • in 2014, the percentage of Americans who reported that the law, which has increased from 19 percent hurt to 27 percent


Overall settings through the ACA have consistently in the past year remained:

  • More than half (53 percent) the Americans of the ACA disapprove

  • , the proportion of Americans who did approve of the ACA remained at 41 percent

ACA perceived impact is deep split

settings on the impact of the ACA remain heavily dependent divided on the political affiliation of respondents ACA2

chart :. Gallup

people who identify themselves as Democrats to report rather than independents or Republicans, that the ACA has helped them. The percentage of people who reported that the law has it has no effect remains similar between all political affiliations

  • Only six percent of Democrats said the law to them has been injured in May this has led to 15 percent of Democrats

  • The percentage of Democrats who report increased that the law has also increased from 23 percent in May to 27 percent now

  • helped

Most the long-term effects] Americans remained as negatives


chart :. Gallup

  • Nearly half (46 percent) of respondents said that the law will make things worse long-term

  • more than one third (33 percent) of respondents said that the law in the long run make things better

  • Fifteen percent of respondents reported that the law is not much difference do

to the full survey results at Gallup Read

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