to ask ten questions, premium refund provider

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to ask ten questions, premium refund provider -

With the cost of traditional health insurance is on the rise, premium refund plans to become a popular and cost-effective alternative. The use of a compliant Premium refund provider, an employer can reimburse the individual health insurance premiums tax-free and administer the program in five minutes per month.

10 Questions to Ask Premium Reimbursement Providers

Partnering with law premium refund vendors can make or break the success of the health benefits program. As a premium refund rate solutions, here are ten questions to ask, a to find compatible and credible suppliers.

1. How long does it take, setup and generate plan documents the?

Once an employer makes a decision to offer a premium refund plan, the set-up process should be completed within one hour. This process involves design, download their employees to enroll and the necessary legal plan documents the plan.

looking for a premium refund provider that, together with a software platform paperless setup and employee enrollment plan to be administered in five minutes per month.

2. What are the different options plan? We can set up various certificates of employees Type?

Select a premium refund provider, the plan design flexibility, including cost-sharing options. The provider should allow the possibility to set different certificates based on employee class or marital status with automatic monitoring of HIPAA and ERISA discrimination compliance rules.

3. Where are the people buying individual health insurance?

With a premium refund plan, employees will have the option of individual health insurance to buy directly from the health insurance market or through insurance brokers. Ideally, the premium refund provider resources provide employees when choosing a plan support that fits their healthcare needs.

4. How convey employee requests for reimbursement? The time it takes to process requests?

premium refund providers should employees offer different ways to send their requests for reimbursement as online, fax, e-mail and e-mail. Most employees will make an inquiry online, so look for a provider that has for the submission of requests via an easy-to-use online software platform. Submit a Reimbursement Request

reimbursement requests should be processed within 48 hours after the presentation and should not be false or incomplete documentation submission, rejected several contact attempts without. In addition, employees should have access via their online account, telephone, email and fax to any requests they inquire about questions. Any refund request should have a clear audit trail to meet appropriate regulatory requirements, including the IRS, HIPAA, ERISA, ACA etc.

5. How are treated reimbursement? If pre-funding required? As it is integrated with our billing system?

With a premium refund program refunds are paid to the employee on a pre-tax basis directly by the employer. This eliminates the need for pre-financing and third-party accounts and ensures that the funds with the company stay until the requests of the premium refund providers are permitted.

for a vendor search that provides easy integration with the existing payroll system make the premium refunds simple and effortless recording.

6. How are notified employees of the status of their application for a refund? What if you're wrong a request?

Ideally, staff should be informed at the various stages of their request by e-mail, as if they were a Fed Ex package.

For example, look for a premium refund provider that sends e-mail updates to the employees after they submit an application if the application has been approved (or if additional information is required to complete the application approve), and if the refund is added to the payroll.

7. Who can a team member will talk with when they? Questions about their claims for refunds

for a premium refund Looking provider that offers responsive support available via email, online and telephone.

8. How can I about other companies' experience with premium reimbursement, see?

A credible premium refund providers should data provide the success of their solution support, including case studies and customer references. the provider should also provide data on their customer retention rate and examples of real cost savings for their customers.

9. What are the fees associated with a premium refund plan? What is the fee structure?

Typically, a one-time setup fee schedule and a monthly management fee per employee will charge a premium refund providers. Look for a provider that does not require advance payment of allowances and not calculate the plan design change fees or annual fees.

10. If we were a dedicated support person have our company to Assist?

A good premium refund provider should any employer with a dedicated support staff provide to manage their account and help with all administrative questions. Support teams for the staff well trained to premium reimbursement, compliance and healthcare reform.

Download The Guide to Premium Reimbursement should be

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