If small businesses are limited, because of the expensive employee benefits Rent?

1:44 PM
If small businesses are limited, because of the expensive employee benefits Rent? -

In recent years, the low-Care Act has quite an impact on the way They had to offer health benefits to your small business. Options such as premium tax credits and SHOP have made it possible for you to provide affordable health care for their employees available, but did you know that some small businesses shrink actually? Which begs the question, small businesses are limiting their hiring, as employers benefits are too expensive? According to a survey of the Grand Valley State University (GVSU) is carried out, the answer is yes.

In fact, the survey, West Michigan businesses in 1000 fewer workers have never returned to. But what can be Will Small Businesses Limit Hiring Because of Expensive Employee Benefits? blame? This article is a brief overview that includes the results of GVSU survey on the possible reasons why small businesses shrink available with affordable health insurance options.

Consider reduction setting

Before submerge 46 percent of small firms in the subject, the number of companies which reduced the years has actually was offering health insurance for employees? Remember: In 1979, 63.3% of jobs for new high school graduates came with health insurance and from 2012 only 28.8%. It is safe to say yes, companies offer employees health insurance now much less than in the past.

In addition, according to the GVSU survey, 46 percent of small businesses are considering reduction setting. But it must be a cause. What about the high cost of health insurance group?

High cost group health insurance

Insurance Group, has been historically rise on for years. Since 1999 group health insurance plans increased by148% (for family coverage). However, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) designed struggle was to help with the cost of health insurance Small Business Health Options Program Increase (SHOP) marketplace, plans market health and quality tax credits.

So health insurance is more affordable now for the business? Yes and no. Individual health insurance is 20% to 60% cheaper than group health insurance and qualifying individuals may premium tax credits for your health insurance benefit - so in this case, yes. However, group health insurance is still expensive to offer employees. With SHOP, small businesses are offered tax credits if they pay at least the premium the worker half have fewer than 25 employees and whose staff has average wages of less than $ 50,000 per year. If a small business does not meet these requirements, group by SHOP health insurance is still quite expensive for the employer and employee. In other words, the insurance group is more money for small businesses in certain cases.

What does it all mean?

We know group health insurance costs are high, and it could be a factor in why many companies decide to limit their workforce to reduce his or setting, but what does it all mean? And what are the effects?

Now, it is unclear. But when small businesses to limit the adjustment, the impact on the economy and labor force could be serious. Why? In 2010 alone 62% of all US employers were small businesses . In other words, if small businesses are not hiring, the workforce will fall sharply and the economy would come to a hault slowly.

Well, that's just a theory, and it must be a solution, if this is that seriously, right? And it is - individual health insurance coupled with premium refund for small businesses

The solution -. Individual health insurance with premium refund

It may come as a surprise, individual health insurance, a large part of the solution for employers is to offer affordable health insurance. The second part is to be coupled with individual health insurance premium refund for your small business. What is the individual health insurance and premium refund and how they are the solution for small businesses limit setting

individual health insurance: individual health insurance is purchased a policy from an individual and their family is based on the personal needs and budget - like car insurance. It can range from the Health Insurance Marketplace, a broker or purchased directly from the manufacturer are

premium refund .: The employer can use the employee for their individual health insurance premiums reimbursed by a premium reimbursement arrangement conversion . With a Premium reimbursement program, the company offers employees a monthly health money on individual health insurance to use - instead of the health of a group contribute. Employees buy their own health plan, and reimbursed to the amount available in their balance.

As these are the solutions?

Individual insurance 20% to 60% less expensive in the group health insurance. In addition, if you pair an individual health insurance contribution refund, your costs are predictable and make affordable health care for your employees. The best part? You can use it to recruit for your small business and keep and the threat setting the limit because of the expensive employee benefits will become a thing of the past.


Although small businesses that need their attitude feel, as the cost limit, healthcare workers provide benefits to further increase , there is absolutely no need for this to happen. The ACA has made it possible for small businesses to offer affordable health benefits to it employees. The question is, small businesses will realize that there is a way to prevent feeling as if they need to limit due to expensive employee benefits the setting?

What do you think? Do you think the trend will continue and small business limit setting for expensive benefits? Comment below.

Download The Guide to Premium Reimbursement

Survey Source: Mlive

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