Employer Health Insurance Survey 2014

3:58 PM
Employer Health Insurance Survey 2014 -

Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) published a year employer health benefits survey to provide a detailed look at the various trends occurring in employer-sponsored health benefits. For 2014, there is to know some subtle and prominent changes. The survey includes premiums, employee contributions, cost-sharing provisions and other relevant information.

Employer Health Insurance Survey Background

The 2014 survey covers almost three thousand interviews with non-federal public and private companies. In 2014 funded premiums for employer health insurance family an average of $ 16,834 per year, 3 percent higher than last year. On average worker paid $ 4,823 annually for their coverage in 2014. The survey of KFF can be found website.

Employer Health Key Findings

The 2014 survey found that:

  1. premiums for family coverage increased by 3% compared to 2013

  2. individual margins are 2% higher than in 2013

  3. , the proportion of companies (55%), at least to pay the health benefits to some of its employees and the proportion of employees in these companies (62%) are covered statistically unchanged from 2013

  4. , the proportion of workers concerned enrolled in grandfathered health plans - these plans exempted from many provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) - decreased to 26% of the workers concerned, from 36% in 2013

increased premiums by 3% over the last year and $ 10,560 since 1999

In 2014, the average premium for a single employee $ 6,025 per year ($ 502 per month) was, and for family coverage, $ 16,834 per year ($ 1,403 per month). Compared to 2013, this represents an increase of 3% for individuals and an increase of 3% for families. The premiums have more than doubled since 02 and increased $ 10,560 since 1999

Source: KFF contributed

average employee contribution of 18%

on average 2014 employees 18 percent of the premium for individual coverage and 29 percent of the premium for family Cover. This corresponds to $ 0 per month for individual coverage and $ 402 per month for family coverage.

There are differences of size and strength. The affected workers in small businesses (3-199 employees) contribute a lower proportion of premium for individual coverage (16 percent versus 19 percent), but a higher percentage of the premium for family coverage than workers in larger companies (35 percent in compared to 27 percent)

source :. KFF

employees at smaller companies more money for family coverage

According to the health survey, small businesses with 3- 199 employees contribute a smaller amount each year for individual coverage compared to workers in large companies of 0 or more workers. The difference is $ 02, respectively, compared to $ 10. Workers in smaller companies with family coverage contribute more annually than those of large companies ($ 5,508 vs. $ 4,523).

Source: KFF

56% offering micro-enterprises (3-9 employees) no health insurance

According to the survey, almost all (98 percent) of the big firms of 0 or more workers are offered health insurance for their employees. As much as 44 percent of smaller companies are less likely to offer health benefits, as seen in the figure below.

offered from 1999 to 2014, all companies, health insurance remained somewhat steady. In 1999, 66 percent of all companies offering health insurance while today, 15 years later, 55 percent they offer. These figures are set, taking into account the higher average larger companies and the lower average smaller companies.

source: KFF

younger and low-wage employees are less likely to do health benefits have

According to the survey, (businesses with fewer low-paid workers less than 35 percent of workers $ 23,000 or less per year) have a higher probability, provides health insurance as companies earn a large sum have low-wage workers (55 percent versus 33 percent).

Source: KFF

primary reason for not I offer health benefits - costs

Similar to 2013, the main reason companies do not offer health benefits because of the cost. From small businesses (3-199 employees) that do not provide health benefits, say 32 percent, that high cost is the "most important reason" why they are not offered. Another reason is that employees are "usually covered under another plan" (24 percent). Nine percent of companies say that "employees have other options, including the exchange" and one percent "employee to get a better deal for health insurance exchanges."

so they buy Among the non-offer small businesses (3-199 employees), say seven percent that they provide the means for their employees, their own insurance through the individual market can. , Similar to last year, the proportion of enterprises, assets and provides a non-group coverage to buy ten percent

grounds that the employee can not receive coverage from their employer, include:

  • your employers do not provide coverage.

  • They are not available for services through their company.

  • choose to select their spouses employer coverage.

  • They refuse coverage of their company.

will decide 80% of eligible workers for coverage if offerings

, the employer gave health survey, the rate of workers, which is their employer take advantage of coverage virtually unchanged since 2013 at 80 percent continues. Employees and wage level decision of their companies to accept insurance is affected by the workforce. "Employees that are suitable in companies with a lower share of low-wage workers rather reporting that their employer to accept offers (81 percent). In contrast, 67 percent of eligible employees in companies with a higher proportion of low-wage workers (35 percent of workers earning $ 23,000 or less per year) were likely to use reporting.

When it comes to both companies , the health benefits and the offer that they do not offer, 55 percent of workers covered plan as part of their employer. the coverage rate with time is slowly declining, compared to 59 percent in 09 and 61 percent in 04.

source KFF

remain PPO plans by the popular

as in 2013, PPO plans popular- are still the most -they make more than half of the workers who in 2014 HDHP / SOs, HMO plans, POS plan are covered, and follow traditional plans, respectively. For market share of health plans, their distribution between the fixed size will vary depending. As an example, PPOs are generally more popular for covered employees in larger companies (0 or more employees) than smaller companies (63 percent vs. 46 percent) and POS plans remain popular with smaller companies than large companies (17 percent vs. 4 percent) , Those who enrolled in HDHP / SO plans (20 percent) have remained unchanged since 2012 at 19 percent.

Source: KFF

HDHP / SO enrollment to those of 2013 HDHP dramatically since 06 but for 2014 seemed these numbers remained identical / HRA plans have seen a 2 percent decline, while HSA-Qualified HDHP numbers have increased by 3 per cent since 2013 [geänderthat

source: KFF

percentage of companies with grandfathered plans Declining

in 2011, the proportion of companies that have at least one health plan that was in 72 percent grandfathered was. In 2012, they dropped to 58 percent , 54 percent in 2013, and it has for 2014-37 percent .

fall again left

employer asked opinions on cost saving strategies Vary with firm size

Of the companies that were to assess how effective they various cost-saving strategies were felt, 28 percent sacrifice health benefits explained that "wellness programs" would include health insurance, be cost very effective. Twenty-two percent of the Company believes that consumer-driven health plans would be very effective.

Six percent of companies intended to offer health insurance that close networks Health to contain the costs, would be effective, and ten per cent of companies thought that "tighter managed care restrictions" beneficial would. Finally, 11 percent said that "Tiered provider networks" the most effective way would be to contain health care costs.

How compare these results to last year? See: Employer Health Insurance Survey 2013

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