Proposal to Revive HRAs for small business

7:50 PM
Proposal to Revive HRAs for small business -

Congressman Charles W. Boustany, Jr., MD, (R-LA ) and Congressman Mike Thompson (D-CA) have introduced a new law which is to small Business Health Care relief Act of 2014 to help the law that small businesses provide affordable and competitive health called options and would free stand-alone arrangements Health reimbursement (HRAs) of small businesses from the group health plan rules offered. was

The Small Business Act Healthcare 2014

The introduction of the law as a big win is for small businesses to IRS Notice 2013-54 on September 13, announced in 2013 stand-alone may remember. How 2013-54 IRS Notice requires HRAs (and other employers in health care agreements) with group plan rules, including the annual limits rules and precautionary rules under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to be observed.

by Congressman Thompson in a recent press release: "As the health reform legislation emblem was adopted, we have too much time to work concentrated with the attempt, the law, and far too little time to undermine its major reforms to build, so that all Americans can afford health insurance, "said Thompson. "This bipartisan legislation passes partisan politics, fixes an important part of health law and improves choice and affordability. By building on the reforms undertaken in the Affordable Care Act, as this scheme is the case, we can always Americans make sure to to go doctor can afford -. and that's what counts "

Congressman Thompson website also addresses the advantages collapse that the Small Business Health Care Act of 2014 restores as :. To use

  • to ensure that small businesses are allowed to use pre-tax dollars employees a defined contribution to

  • allowing employees this means as HRA to buy health insurance on the individual market, as well as for qualified out-of-pocket medical expenses.

  • The protection for small businesses to be the employer of punished for providing this option to employees unnecessarily financially.

For more information on this invoice visit for.

more about health reimbursement arrangements

Arrangements health reimbursement (HRAs) are group health plans paid for by an employer, the medical costs of employees to report, their spouses and dependents. HRAs are designed to give employees more choice and more control over their health care coverage. Historically been with larger companies to help recruit an affordable tool used by small businesses and to keep quality employees while remaining competitive HRAs.


Congress revised the language introduced healthcare Relief Small Business Act on June 25, 2015 This law is crucial for small businesses! They Visit can help our legislative resource page detailed information, including how to be this proposed legislation law.

8 Small Biz Health Benefit Trends

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