Group health insurance is Risky

4:59 PM
Group health insurance is Risky -

In one week we publish our book The End of employer-provided health insurance, the obvious solution to our nation's health insurance employer Leiden discussed - employer-paid individual health insurance. The book is for pre-order on and available.

This item is part of an ongoing series of articles about the 10 reasons, group health insurance is Bad for you, your family and your company

The third reason group health insurance is bad for you, your family and your business is because it is risky -. Your coverage to be canceled health insurance at any time without notice. Why Group Health Insurance is Risky

group health insurance Risky is

One of the scariest things about group you. No control over the policy Your employer may terminate the entire plan or change the benefits at any time, with little or no notice to you, and there is no COBRA available when the entire plan aborted.

There are many reasons your employer cancel your coverage:

  • change to a new insurance company Health [ Every year (and sometimes in the middle of the year), thousands of employers change health insurance (and cancel the current coverage) is due to the savings in the company, or because the insurance company refused to renew the policy. meet

  • Otherwise insurance requirements. If the insurance company checks your plan and determines that your business is requirement of compliance with the plan conditions, such as a 75 percent minimum contribution, the insurance company can cancel coverage for the entire company.

  • to make non-payment. Supplemental notice of non-payment of the premium is permissible, and it is not necessary that a premium after the original due date will be accepted.

  • out of business. 10 to 12 percent of employers close every year, which is nearly 1 million closures per year.

Once cancels your current plan, you will lose access to it-there is no COBRA on a canceled plan. Note that even if they are no longer used and already on COBRA and your former employer raises her entire plan, you can also lose your health insurance.

Fortunately, with an employer or former employer cancel your plan is a qualifying event, the immediately right to purchase individual coverage on your national health insurance market at any time, even outside the traditional annual makes Open Enrollment period. However should this happen to you, you will still switch to a new health and possibly even a new insurance company.

If you change to the health insurance, if you are in the middle of a health issue, it could be financially devastating and / or you may lose contact with your existing medical provider. Specifically:

  1. Your new plan may not cover your current doctor and hospitals. If your new plan does not cover your current medical provider, you will be prompted to choose between (A) to the pay may not trust or (B) out-of-network for your provider might to a new provider that be so expensive as no health insurance has ever and

  2. If you plan mid-year change, your deductibles and out of-pocket maxima is reset. Depending on your new plan, this could set yourself up to $ 12,000 additional healthcare costs annually.

transfer to new medical providers who are not familiar with your Newer medical history could be hazardous to your health or that of a loved one.

What is the solution?

you should switch to individual health insurance because it permanently. With an individual plan, you can not be lifted as long as your coverage as you pay your premium.

I will go through reason number four (group health insurance is limited) tomorrow.

Click here to read all articles in the series.

10 Reasons to Switch

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