With rising health care costs, employers are looking for cost-effective alternatives

9:16 PM
With rising health care costs, employers are looking for cost-effective alternatives -

With healthcare costs on the rise, looking employers more cost-effective way of providing employees with health benefits. The HR Policy Association and the American Health Policy Institute recently published a report based on interviews with chief human resources managers at major corporations about their thoughts on health care workers. According to the report, many of these recruiters are looking for an alternative way to provide healthcare workers benefits.

During in-depth interviews were Chief Human Resource Officer (CHROs) asked about their perspective on the current health care system of the United States, the impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on employer-provided health insurance, and the alternative health care strategies they are considering.

Rising costs Chief Human Resources Officers concern

the main concern of CHROs interviewed was the cost of health care in America. According to the report, employers their employees spend more than $ 578.6 billion annually for health care for their employees, dependents and retirees.

More particularly, this CHROs were concerned with the cost of health care in America in relation to the rest of the countries of the first world. Health care costs in the US are almost twice as high as in other first-world countries with expensive health care national_health_expenditures

chart :.

As such, only 50 percent of respondents agreed when faced American Health Policy

with the statement: "My company will continue to care for the foreseeable future to offer you, regardless of what most other large employers do. "

An amazing ninety percent of CHROs reported that health care costs are in their business increase by five percent or more fees are the same for five percent and a reduction for the remaining companies remain cost_increases

chart: .. American Health policy

may increase the cost of health care for these companies, at least partly due to the rising cost of medical care. According to the report, the cost of medical care have increased at almost twice the rate of inflation since 1993

Alternative Strategies for Controlling health care costs

Many of these CHROs seek alternative ways health care costs for their catching company. Some of the new cost-saving health services strategies include:

  • consumer-directed health plans (CDHPs)

  • private exchanges

  • Public exchanges

  • In-house health care facilities

  • A single-payer health care system

When asked about providing health benefits for active employees in the next ten years, less than half (46 percent) of CHROs reported that they will continue to offer a work-based health care plan. As for the rest of the respondents reported 36 percent to a defined contribution strategy shift considering six percent health benefits discontinuation were considering a whole, and 12 percent were not sure.

is another strategy in the cost of health care services to mitigate mentioned in the report, an employee is switched to the central offices (marketplaces). In fact, 23 percent of CHROs reported that they are considering to enroll their employees in the market, have ten percent already begun directing their part-timers to the market place, and two percent have already begun to direct their full-time employees in the marketplace.

the CHROs interviewed, asked what provisions should be maintained when the Congress the ACA amending began considering. Guaranteed Issue Health Care was the most desirable feature of the ACA by the interview responses Affordable_Care_Act

chart :. American Health Policy

The appointment of employees who have access to the market, many employers shift to insurance funds Health (also known as "pure health benefits defined contribution"), because this strategy predictable costs for the employer offers while giving employees access quality health insurance.

spend to provide

By their employees with an allowance on individual health insurance, more comprehensive, less expensive health care to access an employee in a position that corresponds to their individual needs.

health insurance allowances reduce the cost and time, while still recruiting a health benefit for the provision of support and top employees with traditional health insurance.

here access the full report from the American Health Policy.

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