Is Group Health Destroying Your Small Business?

7:38 PM
Is Group Health Destroying Your Small Business? -

You have a lot of hard work in your small business, and it was worth it. But then again, knew you going into it that hard work was to open part of a company. One thing that you probably were not expecting that group health insurance could destroy your business, were you? But you have also worked hard to let that happen. Fortunately, there are to keep a new solution your small business alive and healthy. The answer? Individual health insurance and premium refunds. Is Group Health Insurance Destroying Your Small Biz?

We have compiled a quick overview of how group health insurance is to destroy your small business and as premium refund to your employees offer you can come out on top and be successful.

A brief history of the group health insurance

You know, group health insurance was not always as it is today - prohibitively and the restriction. In the 1930s and 1940s , Health Insurance began offering group companies diskon treaties were negotiated with doctors and hospitals. In the 1950s, employer-sponsored group health insurance began to emerge. The employers were contributing a good deal in the direction of health care workers. But in the 1980s and 190s, group health insurance began to rise quickly and was not sustainable.

As group health insurance DESTROYED Your Small Business

You might think: "Okay, how much has really increase group health insurance?" You will be surprised to know that the to cover the average costs of an employee with groups insurance has increased from $ 2,196 per year in 1999 to $ 6,025 per year in 2014 and for family coverage, the cost of $ 5,791 per year in 1999 to $ 16,834 per year, an increase of this size will be in 2014 increased, to say the least, unacceptable for larger companies -. and almost impossible for small businesses

is not the only part that destroyed your small business, either. High cost of group health insurance have many small businesses forced to stop offering health insurance altogether. This has been in trouble short term employee surrendered retain and recruit new ones. But is not that there is a solution? Yes provide premium refunds to your employees

The solution - premium refund

So what is a premium refund? It is as simple as it sounds - health insurance premiums "to refund a portion of your employees Your employees buy their own individual insurance health and then offer you a set dollar amount for your employees every month on their. to use health insurance premiums . Sounds simple, right? That's because it is.

In addition, you will save time and money. Individual health insurance is 20 to 60 percent cheaper than group health insurance, is portable, and you and your employees can choose the plan that fits your situation best. as the employer takes premium refund to your employees offer only minutes per month and time releases on your business focus.

Finally offer premium refund is a good way to keep new employees for your small business and win - it gives you a competitive advantage.


Can premium refund My Business?

Okay, now you know why Insurance Group Health is to destroy your small business. You also know what you can do if you currently offer, or do not offer group health insurance. But really can save your small business premium refund? Yes.

The time and money you put in to offer Krankenversicherungsgruppe slow your business destroyed. In addition, if you do not provide any sort of health benefits that your company was destroyed. But now you have a solution. You can premium refund offer for your employees individual health insurance. It is , the way affordable, portable, health benefits for your small business and keep you and your employees on your company's values, vision and success.

concentrated to provide

If you are not sure how to start premium refund and provides Click here for a free step-by-step eBook on Premium -Refund.

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Small Business Guide to Individual Health Insurance Reimbursement

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