Congress of the review of the definition of the employer mandate of a full-time worker

4:47 PM
Congress of the review of the definition of the employer mandate of a full-time worker -

One of the great Affordable Care Act this week headlines is whether the definition of full-time employees is 30 hours per week 40 hours per week. Congress Evaluating the Employer Mandate’s Definition of a Full Time Worker

Last Thursday, be changed to the House of Representatives passed a bill that the bill would change the definition of full-time work to 40 hours a week. If passed by the Senate and signed into law, this would reduce the number of workers would have the employer health insurance mandate to offer to the right of the employer. Here's what you need to know about the headlines, and the legislation.

H.R. 30 would change

On Thursday, January 8, the House of Representatives, the definition of a full-time worker of 30 hours to 40 hours adopted H.R. 30 . The bill changes the Internal Revenue Code of the definition of "full-time employees," for purposes of the Affordable Care Act to amend the employer mandate.

Under the employer mandate, applicable large employers (with more than 50 FTE employees) are committed to full-time employees to offer health insurance as defined by average at least 30 hours service work in a week ,

Proponents argue the legislation that the company has to offer by requiring health insurance employees work 30 hours or more, to reduce an incentive for employers to below 30 per week working hours. If workers are not considered full-time employees into consideration, employers can avoid offering or avoid health insurance to pay a fine.

The measure passed 252-172 in the House of Representatives Thursday and now moves to the Senate. The White House has said that if the bill has President Obama achieved desk, he'll veto it.

Last spring introduced similar legislation , but advised the Senate to a halt.

laying down the employer mandate

employers mandate of the ACA (also called the Responsibility Fee Common employer) begins in 2015 for employers 50 or more full-time equivalent employees. This year, however, a phase-in year, as there is some transition relief for employers in 2015 .

For 2015, if an employer with at least 50 full-time employees (including FTEs) does not provide "minimum essential" and "affordable" coverage - or provides coverage to less than 70% its full-time employees (and their dependents) - the employer must an employer shared responsibility fee, if any of its employees owe health plan purchased through the exchange and receives a federal tax credit or subsidies. more about the fee, see here.

You think Congress should change the definition of full-time employees of 30 hours per week to 40 hours per week? Let down your opinion in the comments to know.

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