Job growth Outlook for small businesses in 2015

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Job growth Outlook for small businesses in 2015 -

Small businesses comprise about 54% of all US sales and 66 % of all new jobs in the United States. Although small businesses can have modest numbers of employees, they are certainly drivers for new jobs and economic changes in the country. According to a survey of the Lucas Group, Small Business Job growth optimism looking upwards.

The Lucas Group survey Small to medium sized enterprises (SME) Job Generation Outlook , collected information from 1,00 SMB executives on their performance and outlook from Q3 2014. the report assesses the US economic outlook, employment prospects, political trends and growth patterns among SMB executives. Here's a look at what that means for small businesses, employment growth in 2015

SMBs optimistic about job growth and the setting

According to the survey 52 percent of respondents said somewhat or very optimistic about its growth prospects for their companies with job. expected in the next 12 months extended from the more questioned than half their workforce.

Small and medium businesses grow so fast, in fact, that they report challenges in recruiting qualified candidates.

The biggest adjustment deficiency reports to its distribution and information technology, where 61 percent of executives responded that they are difficult or very difficult to bring recruitment campaigns in new employees, are facing in the areas.

Based on responses from the last 18 months, 89 percent of small and medium-sized US executives reported the maintenance of stability and job growth. Not only is this sector healthy, but a majority of employers see their businesses as job generators for the US economy

Lucas Group Survey SMBs

Source :. Lucas Group

Top Job growth challenges for small and medium enterprises are Healthcare, Recruiting

Since 2013, small to medium sized businesses in health care costs reported the most urgent problem to be against their company. The five challenges are reported:

  1. Healthcare (32%)

  2. costs Talent Availability (29%)

  3. competition (21%)

  4. the uncertainty in tax policy (9%)

  5. environmental legislation (6%)

Similarly, the poll found that 85 percent of respondents will have at least some degree of impact on the business forecast (a "small", "some" or "large" impact) Care.

Read the full article by Lucas Group here

related articles on small business trends see .:

  • infographic - health insurance need to know trends of all small businesses

  • of the State Small Business setting [Juni2014Index

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