Wellness programs - 10 small business ideas

9:28 PM
Wellness programs - 10 small business ideas -

wellness programs are becoming more popular with employers of all sizes .. . from start-ups and small businesses to Fortune 500 companies.


Small business owners adopting workplace wellness programs health insurance costs are to reduce to an employer, recruit and retain employees receive and a healthy (and productive) workforce.

10 Wellness Program Ideas for Small Businesses

Small businesses do not have to invest a lot of time and resources to create a wellness program.

only you need to identify their goals, to explain the activities significantly, engage employees and keep track of what works.

Here are ten simple wellness program ideas to get started.

  1. encourage employees health activities in their work to integrate and. , making it both practical and possible. For example, Institute walk sessions enable extended lunch for employees to train for a run or walk, or stand helpdesks.

  2. Ask. To employee feedback Imagine employees how they think the business to improve employee health.

  3. leadership buy-in . Start wellness program activities in the management team level and show by example. Make your leader's health advocates for the company.

  4. Make your work environment reflective of a healthy culture. Look around the workspace. Is the physical environment to make it easy for employees to get healthy or stay? Are jobs ergonomically?

  5. Invite employees to share their success. encourage employees to share health-related efforts and successes with others.

  6. Talk about health and wellness in addition to business decisions. For example, if you are considering relocating or changing the working hours, consider employee health as an important factor in the decision.

  7. set up a rewards program. With a premium, incentive or recognition program to recognize, celebrate reward or health success.

  8. Clean the kitchen. If you have an open kitchen, cafeteria or vending machines, make healthy options available. Get rid of the junk.

  9. Encourage occasional Internet browsing. Do not get me wrong, the chronic web surfing is a productivity killer. However, research shows that occasional, passive web-surfing employees moods actually increased.

  10. "Off the clock"? encourage our employees from work to separate. The "always on" can lead atmosphere in many small businesses to stress, burn-out and poor employee wellness. Encourage productivity while separating the office and encourage our employees from work outside of work hours. Guide may exit the sample of at a reasonable time and not to limit urgent communication outside of business hours.

What ideas do you have for a small business have wellness program?

Create Lovable Employee Health Benefits

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