Poll: Rate of Uninsured Young Americans Dropped 2014

5:12 PM
Poll: Rate of Uninsured Young Americans Dropped 2014 -

Changes due to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and more particularly is the single shared responsibility determination led to a significant decline in the number of uninsured Americans in 2014, especially for young Americans, according to the National Health interview Survey Early release program.

Background to the survey

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) has insurance coverage published selected projections of disease, the impact on data the 2014 National Health interview Survey (NHIS), along with comparable estimates from the 09-2013 NHIS. The estimates are from January to March 2014 and are for 27 627 persons based on data.

Uninsured population in the first quarter

The results of the survey showed that in the first three months of 2014, 13.2 percent of Americans (41 million Americans) were uninsured. The rate of uninsured Americans vary between age demographics. For people under 65, was the uninsured rate 15.2 percent (40.7 million), while only 6.6 percent of children were (4.9 million) are not insured. For young adults aged 19 to 25, the proportion of uninsured was 20.9 percent (6.3 million)


chart :. CDC

Further trends to uninsured individuals in the first three months of the year included .:

  • , the proportion of uninsured for at least part of the year was 17.8 percent (55.5 million) in all age demographics

  • , the proportion of uninsured people under 65, which was 20.5 percent were at least uninsured part of the year (54 , 8 million).

  • , the proportion of uninsured adults aged 18 to 64, who were part of the year uninsured at least was 24.3 percent.

  • Almost 30 million (9.6 percent) of Americans of all ages had been uninsured for more than a year.

  • among young adults aged 19 to 25, 14.9 percent had been uninsured for more than a year.

Decreases in the uninsured population

According to the survey, between 2013 and the first quarter of 2014. There were in all age groups in the percentages of uninsured Americans significant decreases. The most significant drop was among young adults, ages 19 to 25. The uninsured percentage for this age demographic of 26.5 percent in 2013 to 20.9 percent in the first quarter of 2014. decreased

In the young adults age 19-25 were uninsured for more than a year, the rate of uninsured by 19.8 percent in 2013 to 14.9 percent in the first three months 2014 fell this can be attributed to the fact partly that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has allowed parents who have children up to 26 years on their health insurance.

Men generally tend to Uninsured

In the first three months of 2014, grown men were his to keep usually more uninsured under most age demographics. While 28.3 percent of men were aged 25 to 34 is not assured in the first quarter 2014 that was only the case for 21.7 percent of women of the same age


chart :. CDC

. Read the full survey of the Centers for Disease Control

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