STOP:? Have you made your Small Business Resolutions

10:29 PM
STOP:? Have you made your Small Business Resolutions -

You know, it's never too late to make resolutions for your small business. ? So, what are you waiting

 STOP: Have You Made Your Small Business Resolutions?

Let's face it, requires progress effort - a lot of it. As such, you need to make resolutions for your small business to have the progress and success. Small Business Administration (SBA) has recently published a list of important resolutions for 2015, which we agree. Here five of its resolutions you should have for your small business this year

Small Business Resolution # 1 -. Understand the Affordable Care

Act (ACA)

Did you know that 96 percent of small businesses have fewer than 50 employees? Why is that important? After ACA these employers are not required to provide health insurance for their employees.

And did you also know that it is affordable to provide options for small business employers health services available if they choose? As such, in 2015 some of the most important facts that you should know about the ACA for your small business:

  1. From 1 January 2015, employers with more than 100 full -time employees ( FTE employees ) has minimum coverage of at least 70 percent of FTE employees.

  1. If employers do not offer health insurance with 100 or more employees, they will pay a tax penalty. In 2016, employers with 50-99 FTE employees health insurance or pay a tax penalty must provide, also called the employer shared responsibility (ESR) Fee

  1. premium tax credits are to authorized persons available who purchase through market their state individual health insurance.

Small Business Resolution # 2 - they measure your success

We get it, it is all too easy, never your daily, weekly and annual measure success as a small business. But did you know that you have more success if you measure what you have done? The SBA says it's important to know how many hours you work, if the hiring decisions were good, and as you do your marketing strategy if you want to forward, to move the progress and.

How do you confront your tough questions in an honest way, your small business for the future than ever brighter. You will have a clear path and know what is best for your business in the coming years

Small Business Resolution # 3 -. Trust in an experienced professional

Do you know someone who has a successful small business owned for a long time? Ask them for some advice. The SBA says a mentor a new perspective on difficult issues can provide. In addition, they can provide useful tips on how to best manage your business strategies, finances, and everyday questions that you might

Small Business Resolution # 4 -. Make Social Media your best friend

There is no way around it, one day you're going to have to embrace social media. Make 2015 the year social media will help your business grow! Moreover, why not do it to make part of your sales? After the SBA, by 2017, nearly 60 percent of all US sales will be on the Internet.

Use to increase your social media sales both on and off the track. This will bring in a new sales and your business, # 5 help expand larger markets

Small Business dissolution -. Be innovative and creative

If you really your small business from the ground in 2015 want to distinguish, to be innovative and creative. As? Embrace to be different. It can be tempting to offer something know to be successful, but why not offer something that is already successful with a personal variant?

Small businesses with a creative twist on an already- successful product or service are likely to gain traction in the market faster.


to know it's never too late to make a solution for your small business, these five key resolution are a good way to start 2015 with the upper hand hand ~~ POS = HEADCOMP

take any of these five resolutions and implement them in your small business -. see them, you will be the growth and progression that will transform your small business to be in what you've always hoped.

What resolutions have you made this year for your small business? Let us know and comment below!

7 Life Hacks to Empower Your Small Business

Article Source: SBA

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