Can Recognition Employee Engagement Boost?

12:55 PM
Can Recognition Employee Engagement Boost? -

As an employer, it is normal not -if critically constantly be looking for ways to your staff 4351579395_6263c683b4_z to get excited about their work. While there are a variety of ways to inspire employees to work, recognition may boost employee engagement? Absolutely - here is how and why

recognition -. Engagement Basics

If you think back to some of the most basic forms of recognition when you grew up, you will remember that in your life, have you were probably recognized quite a bit , If you were at school and we were told you have "excellent work", or if your parents said: "We are proud of you," you would have felt a sense of accomplishment, is not it? This would have driven you to work harder to get the same recognition. Now that you're an adult, this practice is still valid. You can use this same tactic with your employees, too.

Now this is not to say that employers should treat their employees like children, it is rather that the employer the importance of recognizing the workplace should recognize and understand how it take for better employee engagement.

Who should recognize?

When it comes to employee engagement, who makes the recognition also of importance. Let other managers on the staff of the company to recognize that stand out. This shows the team Its leaders are wedged into the larger business vision, and strengthens the culture you establish. He is also active managers to embrace the company vision and to communicate - all important for a successful business and engaged in

idea :. Create An employee recognition program, the employees to nominate each other allows "employee of the month". This can with a simple name on the wall, a showy email or a monthly together.

ways to recognize employees


There is no specific way that you need to recognize your employees, so make sure that it happens - if you or your leader. However, here are some tips for your employees can be seen:

  1. in the right context: make sure that your employees recognized at the right time and in the right context. Think about where and when they will be recognized

  2. Bind recognized in Vision .: as workers, tie in your company vision and how it helps their great work the company to move forward.

  3. Nothing: do not always have a great get together its recognition. Sometimes it can be seen directly in the moment most employees. A simple "thank you" goes a long way and do not require public meeting

  4. Be authentic .: , it is important that your employees know that their recognition is authentic and not forced, or simply to meet only one requirement. Never look at a seen as something people who have to do, but something you have to do privileged.

Employee Engagement


that you understand how and why to recognize how can the recognition boost employee engagement? As already said, it is a simple concept: recognition leads to a sense of accomplishment. If employees feel accomplished, they are more likely to work harder and be more committed. You will be happier and see and feel that they are a part of the company's vision.

How to recognition by you and your leaders a priority in your company, you will begin to see the changes that occur. The staff will see that their efforts will not be forgotten and will continue to work hard to understand the value.

What are some ways that you have recognized your staff to increase engagement? Comment below and join the discussion!

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