2 New Small Business labor laws you need in 2015

1:32 PM
2 New Small Business labor laws you need in 2015 -

Knowing the labor laws are constantly changing. As a small business owner, you already have a lot on your plate got - and 2 New Small Business Labor Laws You Need to Know in 2015 consistent with labor laws can be a game of catch-up. But do not worry, we have you covered. Here are two of the latest small business labor laws need to know, to be paid for the year 2015

employers with 50 or more employees can

if you are a small business employer with 50 or more employees, you can now common on the employer responsibility punishment subject, if you do not offer affordable cover , as part of the Affordable Care Act. So what is the employer's share Responsibility (ESR)? It is the requirement for larger employers either provide health insurance for employees or pay a fee if / when an employee buys through the marketplace subsidized health insurance.

How is the fee?

2015 is the first year that the employer the employer subject responsibility fee jointly. The fee is equal to the number of full-time employees of the employer for the month concerned by 1/12 of $ 2,000 multiplied (minus 80), provided that at least one full-time for this month a premium tax credit / grant obtained.

If you are a bigger employer and wonder how you calculate your ESR fee, you can find the corresponding item under "Quick Guide to employer shared responsibility fees 2015 Convert "

New minimum wages for 21 countries

in January 2014 Barack Obama called on Congress to raise the minimum wage. And although the minimum wage $ 7.25 since 09, some US states are working to give higher wages to their own.

As such, 21 different states their minimum wage raised throughout nearly $ 8 / hour and some have increased to over $ 10 / hour. Below is a basic guide to minimum wage increases for 21 countries:

Alaska - $ 8.75 / hour

Arizona - $ 8.05 / hour

Arkansas - $ 7.50 / hour

Colorado - $ 8.23 ​​/ hour

Connecticut - 9,15 $ / hour

Florida - $ 8.05 / hour

Hawaii - $ 7.75 / hour

Maryland - $ 8 / hour

Massachusetts - $ 9 / hour

Missouri - $ 7.65 / hour

Montana - $ 8.05 / hour

Nebraska - $ 8 / hour

New jersey - $ 8.38 / hour

New York - $ 8.75 / hour

Ohio - $ 8.10 / hour

Oregon - $ 9.25 / hour

Rhode Iceland - $ 9 / hour

South Dakota - $ 8.50 / hour

Vermont - $ 8.73 / hour

Washington - $ 9.47 / hour

West Virginia - $ 8 / hour

Washington - $ 10.50 / hour

for a more detailed breakdown of wages by the state, see our related article "minimum wages for 2015, by State"


it is obvious that your small business is affected by labor laws, making it a point to keep up with what both laws state and federal is going on. Knowing this, it is not have to be complicated - there are many ways to stay in the loop. For example, we are at Zane Benefits, you must keep the small business owner, up-to-date and informed about important issues such as labor laws, affordable health services, HR, and much more.

What do you think about the new minimum wage increases? How will it affect your small business? We'd love to hear your thoughts and comments - comment below

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