Abortion is emerging as the next number in the health insurance and reform health care

1:44 PM
Abortion is emerging as the next number in the health insurance and reform health care -

doctor Although Rep. Henry Waxman, chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee and the moderate "Blue Dog" Democrats debate on the cost of the reform of health care, another storm is brewing and it is an evil :. the issue of abortion

In short, the Bill 't contain language prohibiting federal funding of abortion. Without this, it could be left to a (newly created) Health Services Advisory Committee to decide what "essential benefits" an insurance plan supported by the government should provide.

In 1976 Hyde Amendment explicitly prevents the federal government from using taxpayer money to fund abortion through Medicaid. However, if the government is sponsoring its own competitive level, or whether it contributes to the creation of a new market in which the public can choose from different private health insurance plans, the Hyde Amendment is not applicable.

This n 't sit well with pro-life. "Unless you can specifically exclude abortion, it will be part of any federalized health care system," said Charmaine Yoest, executive director of Americans United for Life.

Nineteen Democrats have already Pelosi wrote to say they "can not support any proposal for health care unless it excludes abortion from the scope of any defined government plan or health insurance subsidized. "

President Obama has so far tried to remain neutral on the issue, saying:" I think it's appropriate for us to understand how to deliver only on cost savings and not to be distracted by the abortion debate, "in an interview with CBS News. But it is doubtful that it can avoid the question too long, and the firestorm which is potentially fatal.

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