Introduction: The presidential campaign Healthcare 08

7:01 PM
Introduction: The presidential campaign Healthcare 08 -

White House It has been a while since our last post on the 08 presidential election, but we thought now was as good a time as any to start talking about the health care policies of both candidates.

After a battle between Democratic New York Senator Hillary Clinton and Illinois Senator Barack Obama, Senator Obama throughout the year came as the presumptive Democratic candidate.

Arizona Senator John McCain had an impressive performance for the Republicans to come back to win the New Hampshire primary and win the nomination after the political thought his campaign was all but dead.

But now that the primary season is in the past, what our candidates have in store for the future?

Senator McCain favors a system where the private market takes control to bring down prices. He is even willing to provide generous tax credit for individuals and families.

Senator Obama on the other hand is looking for the government to intervene and demand that all children have insurance, and imposed restrictions on health insurance companies so they can not not deny coverage for everyone.

Obama also promised that it can reduce annual premiums of health insurance plans an average American family $ 2,500.

It was just an intro to what is to come in the presidential campaign of 08. health care in the coming months, we will go further in the reform plans of the senator's health care McCain and Senator Obama and keep the latest from the candidates health care.

We also want to know what you think about each candidate's health care plan. - The comments section is now open for business

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