The chances of reconciliation to pass health reform Looks Slim

10:41 PM
The chances of reconciliation to pass health reform Looks Slim -

U.S. Senate Chamber If you thought Sen. Olympia vote Snowe for insurance and health care of health of Senator Max Baucus reform bill was a big deal, you're right.

Not only the vote of the Committee established the bill for final approval in the full Senate, but it now gives reformers (including the White House), an important opportunity to put the Bill without resorting to reconciliation.

Now, reconciliation is an escape procedure that allows the Senate to pass legislation with a simple majority of 51 votes. Only if a bill is linked to the federal budget reconciliation can occur.

So obviously the health reform qualifies.

the reconciliation Democrats have long held ultimate trump card in case they could not keep their conservative party comrades and if threatened Republican filibuster. But now, with probable vote of Senator Snowe, the chance of reconciliation is much, much lower.

The White House wants nothing more than to call the draft bipartisan health care bill even if it is only a Republican who sign on. Really, it's like putting lipstick on a ... well you get the picture.

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