A.F.L.-C.I.O. Teams with traditional Foe against the tax on health insurance New

8:39 PM
A.F.L.-C.I.O. Teams with traditional Foe against the tax on health insurance New -

employees The A.F.L-C.I.O. released a TV spot this stowing weekend on the provision of the reform of the health insurance that would tax so-called health insurance plans "Cadillac".

Senate Democrats and President Obama favor taxing robust health plans with premiums of more than $ 8,500 for individuals and $ 23,000 for families. Supporters of the tax say it would generate $ 149 billion and pay for much of the project cost of the health reform law.

But A.F.L-C.I.O. argues that it would unnecessary pressure on employers already pinch pennies to pay for health care. The tax could lead to lower wages and fewer benefits for everyone.

Surprisingly (or unsurprisingly), Senate Republicans feel the same way as the A.F.L-C.I.O., A group that almost always sides with Democrats on issues.

In fact, the A.F.L-C.I.O. ad said we need health reform, but we must not tax. Instead, the A.F.L-C.I.O. supports a tax on the rich to help pay for reform.

The House has already approved their draft of the health reform law that would impose a "millionaires' tax for Americans earning more than $ 350,000 per year.

This could mean approval of A.F.L-C.I.O. a GOP candidate in 2012? No chance.

This is the announcement:

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