Part-time workers' health insurance options with the Win reform

12:19 PM
Part-time workers' health insurance options with the Win reform -

jobs For many part-time workers, shop for individual health insurance and find an affordable plan may seem like a tall task. But with the reform of health care, part-time will have access to health care through exchanges based on the condition expected to be implemented in 2014.

state-based Exchanges will be designed to help people find and apply care subsidies if they do not receive an employer by insurance or if their health insurance costs exceed 9.8 percent of their household income .

Many part-time workers must buy their own coverage or may use limited health insurance plans through an employer. These plans are generally expensive and offer limited benefits.

According to The Washington Post , many companies that offer health insurance benefits limited to part-time workers may have to stop. It will no longer be lifetime or annual limits on health insurance plans starting this fall, that will essentially end limited-benefit plans.

Until the state-based exchanges are established, part-time workers can compare health insurance quotes and try to find a plan with a low monthly premium and high deductible. At, individuals can compare health insurance plans and apply completely online.

People with pre-existing conditions should contact their state insurance department to see when the high-risk pools will be established in their state. Some high-risk pools will be accepting applications on July 1, 2010, while others may be active in the coming months.

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