Snowstorm Doesn "t Deter reform of health insurance" probable Passage of Senate

7:38 PM
Snowstorm Doesn "t Deter reform of health insurance" probable Passage of Senate -

Washington Monument The record snowstorm East coast wasn 'enough to help opponents of health care and health insurance reform bill to derail his now likely pass the Senate of the United States does.

In a vote of 60-40, the Senate voted to move the bill on the health front, cutting the Republican obstruction. According to The New York Times , there will be four other procedural votes to get the bill in its final phase, where it should be fully supported on Christmas Eve.

The vote was not surprisingly met with harsh criticism from lawmakers who feel the bill will do more harm than good.

"Our friends on the Democratic side seem determined to pursue a political kamikaze mission to a historic mistake," said Senator Lamar Alexander.

However, this is a huge, huge political victory for Democrats and President Obama regardless of what the experts say.

Thus, as a result, Democrats on Capitol Hill are cheering.

"There is no political talks. We are not talking ballot. It is about people. It is about life and death in America. It is about human suffering, and given the chance to relieve this suffering, we must. the citizens of each of our States have written to tell us they are broken because of our health care system broken, "said Senate majority Leader Harry Reid.

Although only about half of that statement is probably true, if this bill actually sets all is a very big question mark We really hope that it works;. for the good of us all

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