President Obama requires hospitals to change access rights for same-sex couples

8:27 PM
President Obama requires hospitals to change access rights for same-sex couples -

teddy bear Recently President Barack Obama signed an executive order that will extend visitation rights to gays and lesbians partners across the country. Currently, there are cases in many states where same-sex partners are not able to receive visits from partners and children that will change this executive order.

Obama wrote to Health and Human Services saying that all hospitals that receive Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements must follow the new order. It will affect widows and widowers without children, as heterosexual couples who are not married gay and lesbian community. According to The Los Angeles Times , the executive order also requires hospitals to honor all documents giving authority and the health authority regardless of sexual orientation.

An opponent to order Peter Sprigg, senior at the Family Research Council, has no problem with people giving a proxy for health care or allow power over anyone, but believes that the context the order infringes the definition of marriage and that the order is taken of federal control over the health care system.

Rea Carey, executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force said: "There may be challenges to it. But what we have seen across the country is that no matter how people feel about same-sex marriage, people are overwhelmingly in favor of the ability of a person to have their loved ones around them in times crisis ... No one wants to be alone in a hospital. "

Although the reform of health insurance has had little or no impact on same-sex couples, this order will have a huge impact on how they are treated while receiving care health.

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