Children and health insurance

6:37 PM
Children and health insurance -

children at play A study by the National Health Survey of 07 revealed children 6 7 million children in the US are not covered by a health insurance policy. In addition, 1 to 4 insured children lack adequate coverage for their health needs and children from 4 to 10 lacked comprehensive and continuous care as defined by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

As we know, the program of the State Children Health Insurance (SCHIP) was initially enacted by Congress in 1997 and recently expanded by President Obama. SCHIP is a government assistance program that provides health insurance coverage for children in families with low incomes.

So why are there still nearly 7 million uninsured children in America, despite the existence of this program?

Well, it's partly a question of cost. Like the expansions in Medicaid prosed reform projects of the current health, giving more children access to coverage paid by the government is a big expense.

There is also a question of the location of children who qualify and reach about the SCHIP program. There are many families who are not yet aware exist SCHIP.

Children without insurance as disease may contribute to the overall health of young Americans. There have been many different studies that link a lack of health insurance with poorer general health - and even death.

So the point is, we will make the health care reform that does not forget the children.

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