States can begin Medicaid expansion

10:29 PM
States can begin Medicaid expansion -

U.S.A. The reform of health care will allow states to expand Medicaid to begin soon aujourd 'hui. The Medicaid expansion was a major piece of legislation on health care and expand coverage to low-income childless adults for the first time. The few states that already provide assistance for low-income adults will revive and expand their programs.

According to McClatchy , the low-income people who earn 133 percent of the poverty level, about $ 14,404, or below will be eligible for assistance. Families of four earning up to $ 29,325.50 will be eligible for expanded Medicaid. The Congressional Budget Office has estimated that this change could provide 15 million people with Medicaid insurance.

states currently pay about 40 percent of Medicaid costs. If states extend now they have to pay the costs of the expansion until the federal government starts paying in 2014. Some states have already cut Medicaid spending while others want the federal government to waive rules aimed at reforming state programs and receive funding.

Jonathon Seib, a political adviser to Health in Washington state aid, "We try to take an existing commitment of dollars of state and stretch further. "

States are beginning to explore options for making the most of their dollars and federal funding. Many states have programs that provide assistance to people who can not afford coverage or are not eligible for coverage.

That states expand coverage gradually or all at once, Medicaid must comply with the 2014 reform requirements States are still waiting for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services provide more information on the expansion that will help them make decisions for the future.

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