Republicans make efforts to repeal Mandate Individual Health Insurance

1:20 PM
Republicans make efforts to repeal Mandate Individual Health Insurance -

elephant In a political movement yesterday, Republicans forced the House representatives to vote on the individual mandate for health insurance. The vote has never had a chance, but the Republicans the Democrats showing support for the unpopular mandate once again.

The call for the repeal of the mandate has been used by a "motion to reaffirm" that is often used by changing the bills by the minority party as Politico .

the vote was 187-230 to repeal the individual mandate with only 21 democratic votes

Representative Dave Camp said. "the American people continue to oppose the law on health care . Democrats We listened to their concerns and we take the opportunity to repeal one of the most onerous provisions - the individual mandate which, while exempting illegal immigrants, forcing Americans to buy health insurance approved by the government or pay a fee if they do not. "

the Republicans believe that government can not tell the Americans that they must buy health insurance and that the individual mandate may be unconstitutional.

Democrats rolls favorable provisions of the health reform before the November elections with more of the provisions implemented ahead of schedule. More unfavorable parts of the reform will take years to implement. Republicans are trying to remind Americans that they will be forced to buy coverage by 2014 and not to forget that part of the reform.

Whether the repeal of the individual mandate has attracted attention many Americans remain unclear. Many Americans can focus on the future of the reform of health care rather than legislative tactics.

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