Employers to include mental health benefits

4:35 PM
Employers to include mental health benefits -

mental health Soon, employers and insurance companies will be required to change the group health insurance benefits to meet new laws that improve the insurance coverage provided by the employer mental health and addictions.

The law of parity of mental health original Act Addiction 08 Paul Wellstone equity and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and entered into force in October 09, but improvements the regime were added last month.

The new law requires all employers to plans offer mental health benefits coverage equal to that of medical and surgical care. The law is applicable to companies and group health plans with more than 50 workers.

These days, health professionals accept mental health conditions as serious and treatable diseases. According to the American Institute of Stress, mental health issues cause 61 percent of work absences each year, 65-85 percent of terminations and 80 to 0 percent of accidents.

The Wall Street Journal notes that the Congressional Budget Office estimates that the bill will cost $ 3 billion in 2012 and premiums increase by 0.4 percent. The additional costs for employers that add the benefits will be less than 1.5 percent, while employers could potentially save money from lower absenteeism.

Added an insurance coverage for mental health conditions can be a way for employers to lead ultimately reduce the cost of health care and to keep them happy and healthy employees . We think it's probably a good thing.

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