health insurance and Gender Rating in San Francisco

10:53 PM
health insurance and Gender Rating in San Francisco -

Painted ladies Yesterday, the city of San Francisco filed a lawsuit against the State. accusing the Commissioner of Insurance to allow health insurance companies to discriminate against women

An article in the Los Angeles Times, women pay as much as 39% percent more for health insurance that men - and state law confirms this disparity.

The Health Insurance California law allows what is known as "gender rating", which allows insurers to consider gender when they set premiums of a candidate.

" the Legislature explicitly lists gender as a factor to consider. Until the Legislature changes the law or courts decide otherwise, we will respect the law, "said a spokesman of the Commissioner of Insurance

The Times article quoted the :. wording of the law

"Unless prohibited by law, the premium price or incremental costs because of sex of a person when it is based on objective criteria, valid and current statistical and actuarial data or sound underwriting practices are not prohibited. "

The reason behind the concept of scoring between the sexes is that women apparently have a higher risk of injury and illness. Last year, actuaries to one of the largest California insurers determined women are more at risk using their data on health care.

But officials argue that San Francisco is gender discrimination and should be banned.

"a lot of times, women are priced out of private health coverage because of discriminatory practices by insurance companies," said Dennis Herrera, city attorney of San Francisco.

The question is, however, already be seen in Sacramento. The State lawmakers are considering two different bills that would ban gender rating health insurance.

If one of these bills passed, Herrera would drop the suit.

There is certainly a moral standard by the test. First, the dimension of equality seems to be reasonable if supported with hard statistics. Secondly, how can it be anything other than discrimination?

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