Road blocks to reform health care

12:31 PM
Road blocks to reform health care -

U.S. Capitol building House and Senate Democrats have worked hard in recent days to develop a draft final health care bill and unite their caucus. But many Democrats are still on the fence frustrated by lack details on the content of the final bill and its cost.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has not had time to estimate the overall cost of this new bill, it seems that most legislators are sort of in a holding pattern .

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the House will soon approve the draft Senate bill and the additional package of changes, reported The New York Times . But House Democrats have promised a CBO estimate before voting, so it is difficult to assess what will happen.

There is another problem with the bill: abortion. Many Democrats are still not satisfied with the language of abortion and were threatening to vote against it for weeks. Although rumors are that these members of the House are bluffing.

Another controversial provision in the bill is a student loan program, which would give the government the power to make loans to students instead of guaranteeing loans to private companies. This part of the reform bill would likely add to the deficit and fuel opposition to his already massive cost.

The road mounting blocks keep daily for Democrats and their health care and health insurance bill.

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