New Wall Street Journal / NBC Poll Highlights of public opinion for reform of the health

11:42 AM
New Wall Street Journal / NBC Poll Highlights of public opinion for reform of the health -

U.S. at night We like polls. (Old Even those few days.)

The latest Wall Street Journal poll / NBC conducted this month offered some interesting ideas that people, you, think about health care reform and those who make the big decisions.

We examined the results of some questions from the question of over 50 survey so we can offer a type what-does-it-all way of analysis.

Here are some of the survey questions, and some of our own analysis:

Question : Do you agree in general or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing in handling the issue of the reform of health care?

Comments : 45 percent approve, 46 percent disapprove.

These figures are quite open that respondents from both sides could potentially be for or against a sweeping healthcare reform. So we should take this as a natural division of how a politician can never make everyone happy.

Question : Do you approve or disapprove of generally how Republicans in Congress are handling the issue of the reform of health care?

Comments : 21 percent approve, 65 percent disapprove.

These figures are unfortunately too dull. Both parties in Congress almost always bad approval numbers and the reasons why 65 percent of disapproval could be almost anything.

Question : How do you understand the legislation on health care, which is currently being debated in Congress - you know very well, fairly well, only a few -uns, or not quite?

Comments : 57 percent said very or quite well. 43 percent said some or very well.

A swing of 14 points was a little more than we might have thought, but it is still a telltale sign that a large percentage of Americans still do not know much about this bill to reform health. This only leads to misinformation and, repeatedly, sterile debates.

Question : From what you have heard about the Obama health care plan, do you think his plan is a good idea or a bad idea ?

Comments : 39 percent said it was a good idea, 41 percent said it was a bad idea.

This really highlights the deep divisions in this country has made health care reform. Face it, to make significant changes to a system that is so big and complex can be a scary thing. These figures also remind that it is almost impossible to please everyone when it comes to reform.

Question : And from what you've heard about the Obama health care plan, do you believe this will result in the quality of your care health better, worse, or stay about the same as now?

Comments : A better quality of 19 percent. Worse quality of 36 percent. Same quality of 34 percent.

If you had to point to one thing that could really kill health reform, it probably is. If more Americans believe health care is about to get worse for them after the reform, there is no way Congress and the president can remove politically. There must be strong safeguards and evidence that health care reform will not worsen the quality of health care in order to pass.

Question : do you feel [the following] should definitely be included in the framework of the legislation on health care, you prefer it to be included, you prefer it is not included, or you feel that it should absolutely not be included?

Comments : 89 percent say reform absolutely must or prefer that insurance companies are required cover those with pre-existing conditions.

This is a big number. Everyone agrees that we must be able to provide health insurance and health care for those who have health problems. On a side note, if there will be a "bad guy" in this story, the storytellers do a good job making health insurance companies scapegoats.

Comments : 57 percent say in absolutely must not or prefer not to have a requirement that all individuals to carry health insurance in the reform plan health.

Even if the Americans want insurance companies to cover all pre-existing conditions, they are not willing to match it with an individual mandate. But because the insurance companies will do to eliminate pre-existing conditions if there is a mandate, it could happen despite American concerns. We believe that this number reflects more our general aversion to restrictions of rights and government thinking to make us spend money on something.

The full survey results can be found here.

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